come rain or come shine - definition of happiness
Two decades ago, I believed that I would be happy as long as my surrounding environment was conducive to happiness. As such, my first marriage was nothing more than a compromise and I tried vainly to satisfy myself with a challenging job and rich remuneration of the financial industry. I realised that something was wrong with my life, though. I kept pretending I was happy. Then, one of my friends told me "if you were in Cuba, you would feel as if you were in a heaven". This became the catalyst for my first visit to Cuba. That was 10 years ago.
I was perplexed at the sight of the ruined houses of old Havana. Cuba’s struggles with economic sanctions could be seen in the downtown shops which sold only soap made from coconut trees. Bathroom doors lay unhinged from their frames. I opted for the "pretense of happiness,”moving to extravagant and comfortable Nacional Hotel di Cuba. I hid myself from the misery on the streets, as I did in daily life, shrouding myself in luxury.
Cuba commenced normalization of diplomatic ties with the US this year. I expect the country to change dramatically in the foreseeable future. My own way of living has experienced a complete about face over the past10 years. Since my first trip to Cuba, I have learned to deal with my feelings honestly. I have obtained something invaluable and priceless, i.e. my wife and 3 dogs. True happiness lies in humdrum life.
The average monthly salary for Cuban workers is said to be US$20. Despite this, people in Cuba are perpetually friendly and the smiles on their faces never waiver, even in the face of sometimes desperate circumstances. Probably Cuba gave me a clue to find what happiness is when I visited Cuba a decade ago. Come rain or shine. After the rain, the sun never fails to appear. I am and will be happy, as long as I have my irreplaceable family, come what may. I am mature enough to preserve my happiness. When I landed at La Havana airport last November after a 10 year absence, I was determined to do just that.