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​Seamless Boundary - Kathumandu, Nepal


ネパール、カトマンズ。 ヒンドゥー寺院のパシュパティナートでは「生と死の世界が共存』する。その境界は低く、煙の様に曖昧だ。ここでは毎日早朝から夕方まで火葬がひっきりなしに行われ、対岸からその光景を眺めにやってくる人達が絶えない。




 輪廻転生を信じるヒンドゥー教徒は墓を持たない。人が亡くなれば、河の水で清められ、焼かれ、灰は薪と共に聖なる河に流される。死とは生きることの延長線に過ぎず、いつか、容を変えて、生まれ変わると僕も信じている。 河に流された『魂』はまず、『煙』に姿を変え、下流に向かう過程で『水』に溶け込み、輪廻は加速する。そして『海』に辿り着き、蒸気は『雲』となって、やがて天界へと上がる。 


 対岸の葬儀場の火は、家人の気持ちが落ち着いて行くの映すように、だんだんと小さくなっていく。この光景を目の当たりにして、僕は 生まれ変わりのその時まで天界から娘と子孫を見守る父親の姿を思い浮かべた。 

The Hindu believes in reincarnation. As such, they do not build tombs.  When people die, they are purified with water, burnt, and their ashes are thrown into the river.   This is an ordinary scene at the sacred place for the Hindu,  Pashupatinath temple.   I am Buddhist, however, intuitively believe in reinarnation.  It is perhaps because I have no children.  I will just cease to be when the final nail is put in my coffin.   I wanted to be in Kathumandu to find any clue to accomplish what I have not achieved yet and spend better life, if and when I have a chance to be reborn.  Using smoke and steam as metaphor describing obscure and ambigous boundary between life and death, this series have expressed process of reincarnation, starting from demise, harbinguer, to transformation of flesh and soul. 


In the aftermath of the earthquake last year, more than 10,000 people died in Nepal. Likewise the case in Japan where 70,000-80,000 people dead because of stressfull refugee life, many people in Kathumandu have still been forced to live in a refugee camp, enduring the cold, touching the boundary between life and death.  However, the Hindu seems to be ready to accept death anytime, given their belief in reincarnation, though they and we do not ever know how long our lives will last irrespective of desire to live. 


The border between this world and another world here in Kathumandu is seamless. 




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